Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Chapters 12, 13, 14

Friedman had talked about if people really wanted to change the world, they would just go and do it because the internet provides a "global audience". I agree with the author about this because instead of just giving someone money, your inspiring them to do something better with their lives. His example in the book was about how bankers gave beggars $10 so that they could either keep begging or buy toys and try and sell them, which ended up getting the beggars inspired and stop being beggars. This leads me to a great quote that he mentioned in the book that just says it all, "Feed a person a fish and you have fed that person for only a day, Teach a person to fish and you have fed that person for a lifetime, Help that person grow a fishing business and you will have fed not only his family but also half the village". I would have only thought to the second point, but he made me realize that there is a point beyond that.

Going on to the next chapter, the author talks about how technology has brought us together, but it has also divided us. My husband and I went on vacation once (and I mean once), we found a b&b in the mountains and there was no cell phone signal, no internet, no tv, and no radio! If we wanted to hear from anyone, we had to drive a couple of miles into town to call. Once you experience it, you won't want to go back. It was great in a way because we had to learn how to entertain each other :) and it got us thinking about how to survive without certain types of technology...which we ended up forgetting about once we got home!

The part that I loved the best about these chapters was in Chapter 12 (probably because I'm Italian) Friedman compared the flat-world platform to pizza dough...if you think about it, it's true!


insy2008 said...

I totaly agree that instead of giving somebody cash money just show him the way to earn that money by giving the education and expertiss he needs to do it for himself

PaigeBreaux said...


When you talked about teaching people something for them to grow with vs handing them over everthing just to make it easy is not going to work. I see this now with alot of our teenagers and their parents (no all, but many of them). SOme many of these young people are handed everything just so they can have the newest and best and they are very ungrateful. These kids need to start working somehow for extra money so they can learn the value and hard work it takes to survive