Thursday, June 19, 2008

Chapters 9, 10, 11

In chapter 9, Friedman talks about what everyone needs to "This is not a test" is truly what it means, we are at a point where Americans need to step up and take responsibility and not sit on the side lines because if we don't do it now, someone else will.

When the author talked about Parenting, it really struck a nerve with me. These are all of the things that I have been worried about with my own children. Technology has taken over, instead of books giving children their imagination, there is the TV doing the work for them.
That is why my husband and I are trying to raise our children in the "traditional" way. For example, when they want something from the store, they have to earn the money to buy it, or they have to try and make it themselves. This year we have started a vegetable garden so that they can learn how hard it is to grow something... (and also so that they will eat "their" veggies).
Maybe if we teach them that they have to fend for themselves now, they will be stronger in the future when they will have to compete with the Chinese.
In chapter 10, Friedman talked about things being cheaper to produce in China. Going back to traditional ways, for Christmas, we are trying to make it more like Thanksgiving... have a lot of family over and a big dinner. We are trying to teach them that family is the most important thing, not the materialistic items that they want today.
Most likely though, this isn't traditional anymore, traditional is most likely buying a bunch of plastic items that was made from China and overwhelming children so that they don't know what to play with first.

(Sorry, after reading this I feel like I was ranting!)


insy2008 said...

yes I agree that we need to have our ready againt the Chinese and any other country by giving them an excellent education

KJ said...

Great post - passionate responses show that you are really reflecting on the reading. - KJ